Saturday, July 31, 2010

Strawberry Reservoir

Here are finally some pictures from our camping trip to Strawberry Reservoir (south of Heber, Utah) over the 4th of July weekend. We went with Taran and Stanley from Friday to Monday. Stanley is a pro at fishing and so he showed us the basics, although we never caught anything. We had great food and beautiful weather. We had a really enjoyable, relaxing weekend. Here are the pictures (we've been having a tough time loading pictures onto blogger lately and so here are the ones that worked; sorry for the glitches in some of them).

Here is our campsite, right next to the lake.

Here's my girls posing by the raft.

Me trying to show Lucy all of the skills she needs to catch a fish (like I have any idea what I'm doing either.)

The pregnant sisters laying around.

Stanley helping Lucy fly a kite.

Family portrait outside of the church we went to on Sunday

We love festive clothes on holidays.

Beauty number 1

Beauty number 2

Happy Independence Day!

My sweetie and I next to a beautiful lake.

Who says a conversion van isn't an SUV. I was pretty impressed with our old van. Not a bad camping vehicle.

Our only fishy catch of the trip.

Lucy picked up this crawdad without hesitation. She has really started getting into holding little critters lately. She is so brave!

Here we are at the end of our trip.

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