Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lucy and Her "Big Girl Bed" Experience

So, we decided to get Lucy a "big girl bed."  I've been searching on bulletin board and craigslist for a cheap one and every time I call about one it has already been taken.  So when I was up in Washington visiting I decided that I would just go out and buy one (because there are more stores and options there than here in little Rexburg).  I thought I would check BYU-I Bulletin Board one more time before I left and I'm glad I did because I found a cute little toddler bed with a mattress for only $17 dollars!!  I was going to spend $55 on the bed and then another $40 or so for the mattress.  But we got both for $17.  The only thing was that it was red, blue, green, and yellow and wouldn't match our nursery.  So for just a little bit more we went out and bought spray paint and painted it cute girl colors to match Lucy and Saren's room.  
We were kind of nervous about Lucy liking her new bed.  But we felt bad that Saren has been sleeping in the playpen since she's been two months old.  So if Lucy sleeps in her new bed Saren can have the crib. (We didn't want to get another crib because their room isn't big enough for 2 cribs.)  Anyway, here is how our experience went:

Tom painting the toddler bed (I love this picture of him- he looks happy!)

Lucy's first time on her big girl bed

She likes it!!

This is how she ended up falling asleep after playing for a while :)

This is some time in the middle of the night...she's still in her bed and still asleep! yay!  (She's like her mom and likes to have her head covered when she sleeps, I don't know why?)

She did it!  This is her after a good night's rest.  She seemed a little confused to be waking up there instead of in her crib.  She did great we were so proud of her!

The next couple of nights didn't quite go as well as the first.  Instead of playing contently in her room and then falling asleep she cried her self to sleep.  In the middle of the night I awoke to hear sad little whimpers coming from her room I peaked in and didn't see her in her bed, but rather she was under her bed in fetal position crying for mama.  Poor little girl.  I felt so bad.  (I'm not sure if she fell asleep there or woke up and crawled under there in the dark in the middle of the night.  I read her a book and scratched her back until she fell back asleep.  I guess that was a bad idea because now all she wants to do is read books when it is time to go to bed.  Not just one or two or three but many.  We think that she is just stalling so she doesn't have to go to bed.  We are considering hiding all her books so she forgets about them at night.  But that probably wont work either.  Despite that, the toddler bed is working out quite nice.  We can't wait to till Saren and her can sleep in the same room together... we'll see about that...


  1. Oh my goodness! Lucy is so big! I'm glad that she's adjusting to her new bed.

  2. Her new bed is way cute! And you got for such a bargin that is alway a plus! We are moving Kailee to a big girl bed soon too, I hope the transition goes smoothly! :) I miss you guys and can't believe how big both of your girls are getting!!
