Sunday, August 8, 2010

More Camping Adventures in Beautiful Idaho

Last week Pop and John came out to go camping with us. We were originally going to meet them in Utah but decided to stay relatively close to home since our baby is due this month! We just kind of drove around and discovered places to camp and swim. We got to see some parts of Idaho where we hadn't ever been before. We love the outdoors and we love living in Idaho!

The first place we went right down the road about 10 miles to Rigby. We've camped on the lake there many times, but we love it and we wanted to introduce it to John and Pop. We camped right on the edge of the lake and then went swimming on the beach the next day.


Fun with leftover sparklers from the 4th of July

Breakfast at Rigby Lake

Playing with a huge bug we found.

After we left Rigby Lake, we thought we would go down to Bear Lake and stay there for a couple of days. Instead of going down the interstate, we tried a side highway that we hadn't been on before in the eastern edge of Idaho. While driving through Swan Valley and the Palisades area, we saw some campsites and decided to stop there. It is a beautiful place. The valley is fresh and green and the river is gorgeous. We liked it so much we just camped there right along the Snake River. We found a really secluded spot and set up camp. Our campsite had an eagle nest right next to it. Pop and John spent a lot of time trying to get a good shot of one flying. The next day we hopped in our raft and floated down the very swift river. It is a great place.

Pop washing the dishes and Saren in the river

John entertaining the girls on the hammock

Our majestic neighbor

A view of the valley

We naturally chose the campsite that had a bunny wired to a tree

On the third day, we split up, Pop and John heading for Salt Lake for a conference and Tristan, the girls and I heading back north towards home. We decided to take that route that passes through Jackson, Wyoming since we had never been there. It was a cool town. Lots of lodges and rustic stuff mixed with modern outdoor enthusiast stuff like outfitters and shops. Also lots of hotels. We're cheap and didn't like the crowds so we took some pictures and moved on through. We cut back into Idaho and found a pine forested little campsite on the west side of the Grand Tetons. The next morning we had a picnic on a hill with the Tetons in the background and then made it home.

Here we are in front of a huge arched entryway made of hundreds of antlers in Jackson

Here is our neighbor with whom we shared a huckleberry bush

Saren found some huckleberries too

Here is our two cuties taking a stroll in the morning

A flower for Mama

Lucy reading to Saren while we break camp (she's not a bad babysitter, which could come in handy soon)

A picnic lunch in front of the Grand Tetons

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