Saturday, October 24, 2009

Visiting Utah

In October we took a four or five day trip to Salt Lake City for my (Tom) cousin Billy's wedding. He got sealed to his new wife Jana in the Salt Lake Temple. It was the first time in a long time that much of the Stanley side of the family got together. Some of the relatives hadn't even seen our girls before. We spent some time seeing some of the sights on Temple Square and around Salt Lake City. We stayed in a hotel that was like an apartment building with many of the extended family members. It was fun to get together with them again. Saren turned one year old while we were there too so we got to celebrate that with everyone around. It was even more fun since she shares her birthday with her Great Grandma Nini and it was the first time she had seen Saren (or Lucy).

Billy and Jana


We ate lunch at the restaurant overlooking the temple.

Lucy loved seeing the huge statue of Christ on Temple Square.

Here's us in front of a statue of Joseph Smith.

The girls loved the birthday party we had at our hotel. There was a little pavilion in our hotel complex where we could all eat and open presents. Taran (Tristan's sister) and here new fiance, Stanley, came up from Provo to celebrate with us. Saren and Nini got to blow out the candles on the cake together.

Deni (my cousin Chelsea's daughter) was excited to get Saren a baby doll for her birthday.

This is the first time the four generations were all together

Lucy loved watching her Grandpa shake the leaves off this beautiful tree.

Saren too. (Look closely and you can see a leaf on her head.)

A bunch of the girls in the family went to the Salt Lake Zoo one day.

Tristan took the girls to meet up with her aunt Angie and little cousin Kailee who is Lucy's age for lunch. We moved away from Utah just as the Lucy and Kailee were old enough to have fun playing together. We're sorry we don't get to see them more.

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