Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tom Turns 25!

Well, I turned 25 this year. I remember calling my older brother Micheal a geezer when he tuned 25 and now I'm there. I feel like I'm right where I should be though. I don't exactly feel 18 anymore like I have the past couple of years, but I'm not too old either. I'm still young enough to do lots of cool stuff with my life.

Tristan and the girls got a party all set up for me when I was at school and we celebrated when I got home. They got me some cool stuff like a BYU-Idaho sweatshirt and a bell for my bike. Mom and Pop got me some thick rubber to place inside my bike tubes, because of my continual bad luck with flat tires. Tristan and the girls also made me a homemade card and German chocolate cake, my favorite. The next day we went rock climbing with our neighbors and picked a bunch of apples at an orchard for a ward activity. We also planned on going to a concert but when we got there we realized that it had happened the night before and we missed it. Since we had a babysitter though, we did what we could to have fun and ended up going weight lifting at the gym. Cool day. I have an awesome family that loves me a lot.

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