Monday, August 9, 2010

Idaho Falls

On Friday we went to Idaho Falls for the day to run errands, go to some stores we don't have in Rexburg, and go to the exhibit the Church has at the Idaho Falls Temple Visitors Center. The exhibit was a display of photographs taken from a space telescope of things in the universe like nebulas and galaxies. There were descriptions by NASA about the content of each photograph and then a scripture verse about creation, or eternity, or some topic like that. It was really cool. The photographs were amazing. Later we went to the park along the river near the falls from which Idaho Falls gets its name.

Someday we'll get a family shot where everyone is looking at the camera. (Look! A bird!)

Here are some of the falls with the temple in the background just before sunset.

Here is the same scene after the sun went down.

These are some pictures that Lucy took of us. We have a pretty big camera for her little hands to handle and balance, but these turned out really well. So, on top of everything else, our little genius is a photographer too. Take a bow little Lucy.

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