Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lucy has enough hair for pig tails!!

Well, I don't know if these pictures show it very well but Lucy's hair has grown enough for us to pull it into two pig tails on the sides of her head! This is so exciting. Since her hair is at the length where she still doesn't look like a girl when we leave it down we love fixing it and she looks so cute!


  1. Oh my gosh HOW CUTE!!! She totally looks all girl! ;)

  2. She is definitely your daughter with that hair problem. I guess that's what bows and ribbons and frilly dresses are for. Too cute!

  3. My niece has the same problem. Good thing you always dress her up so cute so people can still tell she's a girl. :)

  4. She would be cute bald, but the pigtails are adorable!
