Friday, February 5, 2010

Living in Missouri

Well, for those of you don't know, right before Christmas we left Idaho to live with the Stanley's in O'Fallon, Missouri. Just like we did last winter, the hope was to be able to save money by living in my parents' basement and then try to find a highly lucrative job that would build up our savings for the next year or so. Last year, in Washington, I found several jobs that accomplished that pretty well, one of which was in the school district there as a substitute paraeducator. This year, I haven't had much luck in the education field finding any jobs. Fortunately my parents' company, United Volunteers Thrift Stores, always provides work when I need it, so for the mean time, (or maybe the whole time) I will work there doing odd jobs for Pop. Pop also has a related company called Midwest Shoe Recycling that gives me the chance to occasionally drive a truck around Missouri and Iowa picking up shoes from various thrift stores and things like that. So far, that has been good for me.

In addition to that, the company has a lot of finances that needed some managing. Pop knew that we were interested in more work and so he asked Tristan if she could help him get everything settled with the bills and things while she is here. It is the kind of job that is perfect for Tristan. She is very good at finances and thorough with everything she is involved in. It worked out perfectly and she can still stay home and not be gone from the kids. With both of us working a little, it is about the equivalent of a full time job that I would have gotten. With this situation though, we get to spend more time with my family and see each other more often than if I was just gone all of the time.

We've been doing some fun things since we've been here too. In the church, Tristan was asked to be the Activity Days leader. Activity Days is a type of acheivement and activity oriented program through the church for young girls similar to girl scouts or something like that. The girls are between the ages of 8 and 12. Tristan is excited to be able to help and get to know these girls.

I was called to be a ward missionary which I am excited for too. I will basically be helping the missionaries in the area with whatever they need me to do. It has been four years now since returning from my mission and so it will be fun to do some of the things that I used to do.

My parents got us a family membership to the YMCA for Tristan's birthday and it is turning out to be really great. They have a lot of things going on there like fitness classes, the pool, and a running track. They also have a daycare that we get free for two hours a day. If we every need to take the girls with us if their Grandma or Grandpa can't babysit, we can bring them there and still get to excercise. So far we have gone every other day this week and are really enjoying it. The girls had fun in the daycare area too, so that is always a relief from having to worry about them.

This winter, my brothers John and Ben are both going to be in a theatrical production. John is acting in Willy Wonka at his high school and Ben got a part in Beauty and the Beast at the Young People's Theatre at the community college. I drove Ben to the college one time when he auditioned for the show and saw a poster advertising audtions for another show the college is doing in the next couple of months called A Raisin in the Sun. I love that play and noted when it was showing, thinking maybe I would go see it. As I looked for show dates, I saw that they were holding open auditions the next week. I was intrigued and I tossed around the idea of maybe trying out for it. So, even though I knew that the story is about an African-American family, I decided to just go for it. I auditioned, and the called me back for a part (the only caucasian character in the show). So now I have the privilege of acting in A Raisin in the Sun next month at the community college. That makes this a season of plays for the Stanley family; three shows in four weeks.

So life in Missouri is busy but fun. We're glad we are here for the time that we will.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you guys yesterday. I'm glad to know things are going well for you guys out there. I was the Activity Day leader before we left Missouri and I don't think they'd called one until Tristan, so I'm happy to know the girls are in good hands! I wish I could be back there, too!
