Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July Fun

This year for Independence Day, we stayed here in Rexburg. And I think we've decided that this might be our favorite holiday. We had a lot of fun!!

Friday night we had some friends over at our house: Dallen and Sara Birch (Tom's old roommate) and Brian, Brittany, Mason, and Brittany's mom. We had a BBQ!

Saturday morning we woke up late and went down the street to watch the parade. It was awesome. Lucy loved it. She had fun watching the horses, gathering candy, and probably the best part was getting chocolate milk, mmmm! They also gave out free hot dogs and water. We love free things by the way.

Then we went to the park where they had a bunch of booths set up. Lucy and Saren played while we looked around. We got our picture take with Snoopy and won a family portrait sitting with a new photographer in the area (we won't actually get them taken for a month or two, but it was cool!)
Then we came home and all took naps, ate dinner, and went out and bought some sparklers. We let Lucy hold them all by herself (we even let Saren try with some help). We also watched a little firework show from our front yard over the trees. All in all it was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I just love these pictures and your account of
    the 4th!! How fun for you....someday you'll have to come for Spam Days too!!
