Friday, May 22, 2009

Saren is a crawler

Some of you already know because we've told you, but Saren is all over the place now because she knows how to crawl.  She started by rolling over and twisting to get what she wanted about a month and a half ago, then learned to get up on her elbows and army crawl to get things even farther, and now she is up on her hands and knees and sometimes her feet to go where ever she wants.  It's pretty exciting but now I have to be extra careful about what is lying on the ground not just close to her but in the whole house because she will find it.  She particularly loves anything paper... the other day she got a hold of one of Lucy's books and ripped out an entire page and started sucking on it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Time fly's by so fast! I can't believe she is crawling already! She is so cute! Miss you guys!
