Friday, May 15, 2009

Just to keep everyone updated, we've moved back to Rexburg, Idaho for my next couple semesters at BYU-Idaho.  We found a house to rent in Rexburg on the internet while in Washington and secured the lease before we ever saw it.  The price was very good, and the location was great so we just held our breaths as to what it was going to look like and what condition it was in.  When we arrived in Rexburg we were very pleasantly surprised to see that the house was better than we could have hoped for.  It is a very old two bedroom that is in very good condition.  The owners live right next door and they have kept it very well maintained.  It has a huge yard, with lots of grass, swings, and a picnic table all for our use.  It also has an unfinished basement that we can use for storage.  On top of that, it is right across the street from a great city park, with a playground, a walking trail, pavilions, and tennis courts.  We really scored with this house!
Tom is going to school this semester and he is really busy.  He has a full class load that require a lot of reading and out of class projects and participation.  He also is working with some professors at the university in the history department when he has some time.  It is good practice for his future career as a teacher himself. This semester his classes include Modern European History, Christian History, Educational Psychology, Spanish, and Technical Theatre.  He is having fun this semester with his theatre class as he gets to help out with some of the show the school is putting on.   He also really enjoys his psychology class which is preparing him to understand the students he will teach.
Tristan is enjoying the new home with the girls.  She has enjoyed getting to know our neighbors and people from our ward.  Having the park and the yard to play in are just great and she is looking forward to the warm weather that is beginning to come.  Here in Rexburg, it is cold a lot of the year.
Lucy and Saren are doing great too.  They are both growing up fast.  Lucy is a little sweetie.  She has a defiant side, but she has a sweet personality and is learning so much all the time.  Saren is scooting around the floor wherever she wants now.  We're sure she'll be crawling anytime.  
We like the small town life in Rexburg at this time in our lives and are enjoying being here once again.  Thanks for checking in with our little blog, we'll try to post more pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys found such a great house! A yard to play in is going to be so fun!
