Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Little Girls

Just thought we would post some recent photos of Lucy and Saren.  People say they look a lot alike.  Last check, Lucy weighed 21 lbs and Saren was 12 lbs.  There is a significant age difference.  Keep in mind that Lucy is a walking, talking little toddler who can do pretty much whatever she wants.  Saren is still just a little baby.  Lately she has been doing great sitting up, standing with help, and grabbing things she sees.  Lucy is really great at helping with her baby sister.  She gets diapers, blankets, and pacifiers for Saren and loves trying to make her laugh.  Saren just loves watching her big sister and tries to do whatever she is doing.  We really like having them close to age actually.  It is fun to see Saren growing just a little behind Lucy.  We hope they continue to grow up and be great friends.


  1. What cute little girls! I need your address so that I can send you a wedding invitation. Are you guys still going to be in Washington when I send them out at the beginning of April?

  2. They are adorable! How old is Saren??? I'm so glad she is doing much better and is out of the hospital! :)

  3. Soooo cute! Great looking parents too!!

  4. Hey! I was reading kortney's blog and I saw yours there so I thought I would say Hello! your family has grown so much! It is so awesome!! You have a cute family!
