Monday, June 28, 2010

To the Top of "R" Mountain We Go

We went over to the Menan Butte again this year ("R" Mountain) and had a good time. We went with a trip that was organized through the school. Last year when we hiked up there we carried two babies. This year, the girls seemed so much more grown up. I carried Saren in a child carrier pack and she had a good time. Tristan carried Lucy over all the parts where Lucy was too tired, but Lucy did a pretty good job for a almost-three-year-old. Tristan was quite the hiker herself being pregnant and all. Not many women I know want to climb up a volcano in their seventh month of pregnancy. I has been the hottest week in Rexburg this year too so add that to it. Good times.

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  1. That looks like it was fun! I've been wanting to hike up there for awhile. Maybe we'll have to go in a coming weekend.

  2. oh I miss rexburg, sigh. i hope i'm as awesome as tristan if i ever get pregnant.
